Odds and Ends Page 8

A new page of rumors dawns upon the site, in hopes that the writers of these will one day dawn on a clue. In the meantime, hey, let's laugh at em'!

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Uranus tackles a daimon from behind.
"Die, rumor beast!"

  • Usagi is 14 in the anime and 16 in the manga.
    She starts at 14 in both the anime and the manga, and ends at 16 in both. Though if you wish to get technical, then the manga ends with Usagi getting married at 21.

  • Usagi's hobbies are Eating, Sleeping, playing at the arcade and reading Rei's comic books.
    That's a far cry from "Eating Cake."

  • Minako's favorite food is any pasta, and her least favorite food is mushrooms.
    Sounds like some weird amalgam of the Dub stats and the Japanese. The dub lists Mina as liking pasta with no disliked food listed. Minako's Japanese stats say she likes curry and actually only hates shiitake mushrooms, not all mushrooms.

  • Rei's favorite food is vegetarian pizza, and her least favorite food is canned asparagus.
    Same thing again. Dub is the pizza, Japan is the asparagus. Her favorite food is fugu (blowfish.)

  • The ages of the Inner Senshi are 14 in the anime and 16 in the manga.
    Now all of them? Is it really that difficult to check?

  • Ami's hobbies are Studying, playing chess, swimming and reading.
    Well, reading and chess anyway. Yes, she swims too, but this is from a STATS list, and neither tankubon 10 nor any of the anime albums put that in her stat list.

  • Makoto's favorite food is Cherry Pie and Meatloaf. Her favorite color is green.
    Again throwing the dub into the Japanese version. Meatloaf is not in the Japanese stats, though cherry pie is. Her favorite color is PINK.

  • Sailor Jupiter's civilian ID is Kino Minoko, which means Wisdom of the Woods.
    Not only is "Minoko" not a character on this show, but "Kino Makoto" doesn't even mean "Wisdom of the Woods." Literally, it would be "Wood-field Sincerity," which sounds like "Ki no Mako to," a phrase that would translate to "Sincerity of Wood." "The woods" would imply a forest, while "wood" is the element.

  • Sailor Venus' civilian ID is Miako.
    Ah, she must be one of the Suzaku Senshi.

  • Micheru is in love with Mamoru and Motoki.
    No, no, and for the love of all that is good learn to spell "Michiru." The manga had her getting Mamoru to pursue her, but Michiru did not fall for him and she stopped rather quickly. She's barely met Motoki in either the anime or the manga.

  • Hotaru kills herself in S.
    Hotaru is quite alive throughout S, she only died in her early childhood. She never finishes her world destroying either, so she doesn't die from any of her powers either.

  • Pluto dies after bringing Uranus and Neptune back to life after giving them their talismans.
    All Pluto did was take the Talismans out of their Pure Hearts and give THOSE back. That's why Uranus and Neptune survived. Doesn't really take any power to do that. Plus she was still alive.

  • Hotaru is Helen in the dub.
    An old one, and I never understood why anyone thought it was a good name for her when it has nothing to do with the character besides starting with the letter "H". Hotaru is still Hotaru.

  • Hotaru and Renee are best of friends. They feel especially close because they were both posessed by an evil spirit at one time.
    Chibi Usa was not possessed by Black Lady, or anything else for that matter.

  • Lita's hobbies are ballet, basketball, and skating.
    We only saw her ice skate once, and there is no mention of the other two hobbies, period. And how can you forget Mako-chan's superb culinary skills? Blasphemer!

  • Haruka is quiet and keeps to herself.
    And Michiru is a loud, flirtatious girl who parties till the break of dawn.

  • Ami's IQ is 3000.
    Knock off a "0" and you'll be all set.

  • Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion were captured by Beryl of the Negaverse.
    Captured nothing, she just went and killed them.

  • Neptune is newer at being a senshi than Uranus.
    Other way around. Neptune was fighting before Uranus was.

  • Haruka and Michiru attend Tokyo High School.
    So the entire city of Tokyo, a city three times the size of New York, only has ONE high school?

  • Pluto guards the Cosmic Time Warp.
    o/~ Let's do the Time Warp agaaaaaaain o/~

  • Hotaru died in a car accident when she was young.
    Hotaru died in an explosion.

  • Proffessor Tomoe summoned Mistress 9 to save Hotaru.
    Tomoe didn't know anything about Mistress 9 until after he was possessed by Germatoid.

  • Hotaru goes to Crossroads Junior High.
    Hotaru attends Mugen Gakuen, at least in S. No word about the rest of the series.

  • Jupiter has managed to confuse Hotaru with Mamoru's parents.
    Did I accidentally wander into Sailormoon.com disguised as a goofy website? Because this rumor makes no sense! How can Hotaru, who is 12, have been even one parent of the 17-21 year old Mamoru (depending on whether it's the anime or the manga), let alone both of them?

  • Mistress 9 is a princess.
    She's a demon, and a Messiah, but nobody ever calls her a princess. Besides, wouldn't "Princess Mistress 9" sound awful redundant?

  • Haruka's dub name is "Homaru."
    Haruka(As Homer Simpson): D'oh! Why you little...*strangles website author*

  • The reason Chibi Usa loves Peduru is because he is really Helios.
    One, it's Perle. Two, the Priest of Elysion may have a role in dreams, but he never mentions the faeries, the faeries don't mention him, and the faeries were only in one movie and then never seen again.

  • Eternal Sailor Moon's weapon is the Moon Power Tier.
    It's the Eternal Tiare. See Etymology for more information.

  • Aino Minako means "Love Child."
    Now she can be groovy with "pod child" Chibi Chibi and spread peace, love, and illegal hallucingenic substances. Groovy, man.

    This set of rumors was discovered by Jami of Shadowed Gakaxy on a very odd website, which she posted to Forum LUNARE. Here's the site's highlights, most of which pertain to Sailor Galaxia.

  • Sailor Galaxia's goal is to possess all star seeds in the galaxy.
    Galaxia's goal in the anime is to possess the true starseeds, while in the manga it is to possess the Sailor Crystals.

  • Galaxia's gemstone is gold.
    Gold is not a gemstone, gold is a chemical element. According to the Materials Collection, her gemstone is Alexandrite.

  • Galaxia's favorite subject is dominating.
    Where did she go to school, the S&M Academy for Very Naughty Girls?! Darn, there goes my ecchi side again...

  • "I don't have any official names for any of my wonderful and superb attacks, but I have some names of attacks that I will share with you. One is named Galactic Raging Flare and the other is called Ultimate Deathblow. But these attacks are nothing to worry about so do not fear them."
    I won't fear them because they don't EXIST. She DOES have two named attacks in the manga, however, which are Galactica Inflation and Galactica Super String.

  • "I am asked about how I made those exquisitely charming bracelets of mine, but I won't tell you how I made them. I will only say that I learned how to make those bracelets from a sorceress in another galaxy. I can't remember exactly which one... but she could perform some amazing spells that would summon monster gods in order to defeat the opposition. I just don't understand the need to call upon someone else to perform an attack for you, when you can just defeat them yourself. But that's just my opinion."
    My, my, Galaxia-sama, when did you develop such a horrible memory? Why, didn't those bracelets come from Chaos and are sustaining your very life force? Chaos isn't a sorceress you know. And Galaxia-sama, you're the one that sent dozens of minions ahead of you to gather Sailor Crystals for you, so you don't defeat things all by yourself. Poor Galaxia-sama, all this empire building and planet destroying seems to have muddled her head...

  • If your one of the few who still think that Sailor Moon is the strongest Sailor, you're wrong. It's rightfully Galaxia's title.
    You must be one of the few people who don't bother watching the show or reading the manga. Galaxia herself says several times in the manga that Sailor Moon is the strongest Sailor Soldier, and the manga spends a long time supporting that fact. While the anime calls Galaxia the Legendary Sailor Soldier, Sailor Moon is still stronger because she defeated her.

  • Galaxia is the leader of the Sailor Animamates.
    In the anime, yes, but in the manga, Sailors Chi and Phi are the leaders of the Animamates.

  • In the anime there are only five animamates: Sailor Iron Mouse, Sailor Lead Crow, Sailor Aluminum Siren, Sailor Tin Nyanko, and Galaxia-sama herself. In the manga, however, there are much more.
    Galaxia herself is not an Animamate in either the anime or the manga. She is the leader of the Shadow Galactica empire. Thus, the anime only has four Sailor Animamates. The manga has only one more, Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon. Galaxia's other followers, such as Sailors Chi and Phi, are not Animamates.

  • "Tenou Haruka" means "Sky Emperor."
    "Distant Sky King"...come on, research something! Please.

  • "Kaiou Michiru" means "Sea Road."
    "Rising Sea King." And the sea is a really bad place to put a road, unless people feel like making The Little Mermaid into The Little Road Kill.

  • "Meiou Setsuna" means "Dark King."
    "Moment Dark King." At least now we aren't adding stuff.

  • In the original story, Saturn was the god of time, and Pluto was the god of death. But the roles were switched in the Sailor Moon series to have a fifth Chinese element where all people return to earth after their deaths.
    Well, this is better than the USUAL silly response of "Naoko made a mistake," but they still weren't switched, and that Chinese element stuff has nothing to do with Pluto and Saturn, whatever it means.

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